Make 541 Great Again What Is

James A. Watkins is an entrepreneur, musician, and a writer with four non-fiction books and hundreds of magazine articles read by millions.

Make America Bang-up Once more

Barely a day goes by before we hear over again of an quondam homo or child being assaulted for wearing a carmine cap that says, "Brand America Bully Again." The Democrat politicians and their propaganda arm, the Mainstream Media, seem to have satisfaction from this, although they might say, "While we don't want to disregard violence, he was wearing that hat."

A contempo headline in the Babylon Bee reads, "Human Denied Life Insurance Policy After Revealing He Wears MAGA Chapeau In Public." The article goes on to say, "At that place are certain dangerous activities that just make the risk too great for our company to take on, for instance, smoking, bungee jumping, skydiving, or wearing a Make America Slap-up Again hat in broad daylight."

Now, i might think that to 'Make America Great' would be something all Americans would want. I would imagine that Nigerians desire Nigeria to be peachy, Chinese want Prc to be great, and Brazilians want Brazil to be smashing. The hatred from the Left towards people who wear the red caps seems to stalk from the give-and-take 'Once more.' Therein lies the rub.

And then what does information technology mean, this slogan? And why does the headgear bring out violence from within blackguards? I key to agreement it is that Democrats shout, "America was never keen!" They are ashamed of America and demand that everyone else be ashamed too.


What Does Information technology Mean?

'Make America Swell Again' was offset used every bit a campaign slogan past Ronald Reagan. It was as well employed by Nib Clinton and afterward Hillary Clinton, besides as other politicians.

Donald Trump at commencement said he wanted to "Make America Great" simply soon added "Again" because otherwise it implied America was never great, which is what the Left believes but Trump and Conservatives do not.

The phrase ways many things simply we can start with this: There was a time when most all Americans were patriotic, loved their country and were proud of it, idea it a good country and Americans adept people. This was before the Left deprecated the flag as "a symbol of oppression" and shamefully but shamelessly equated patriotism with white supremacy.

At that place was a time when most Americans were unified in being for the traditional family unit, for Holy Marriage, proud of Western Civilisation, pro-God, and believed in American Exceptionalism. We believed America was the greatest country in the world and in world history: Man's highest achievement.

President Donald Trump

President Donald Trump


The Economy, Trade, Jobs, Taxes, and Laws We Call Regulations

To Brand America Great Again means to bring dorsum a stiff economy, to be pro-business organisation, to brand better trade deals with other countries, to bring dorsum jobs and better real wages, to resuscitate manufacturing.

It means to lower taxes on individuals and bring corporate taxes more in line with countries we compete against in the global economy.

Information technology ways to reduce regulations, since we practice not demand a meg of them; since it costs trillions of dollars to comply with them that could be spent on food, apparel, shelter, and infrastructure.

Information technology means to reduce the ability over our lives of the 4th branch of government, the unelected federal hierarchy, which routinely usurps the authorisation of the three (constitutional) branches, by not only making laws, but interpreting their meaning, and punishing violators.

President Trump has done all this.


Ringlet to Continue

Political Definiteness vs. Freedom

Brand America Great Again ways to strike a blow against that pernicious postmodern evil: Political Correctness. PC prohibits people from telling the truth; it forces folks to tell lies. It sets up Campus Speech Codes and Social Media Hate Speech Police. Information technology scorns Freedom of Spoken communication. It loathes the Free Exercise of Religion.

The Left is clever. For instance, it subtly teaches that the Start Amendment means merely 'liberty of worship.' To worship as we please. The Free Exercise of Religion means much more than that. It means the correct to live according to our organized religion. It does not hateful Christianity much be kept away from public view, confined to our homes and churches. It does not mean the Public Square must be swept make clean of our Creator.


National Sovereignty, Borders, and Illegal Immigration

1 part of Make America Great Once again has to do with national sovereignty. The aforementioned people who despise America and abhor half its citizens as "Deplorables," are Globalists, 'Citizens of the World.' They desire a earth without borders, without nation-states, without America. They want to give up our sovereignty to a New Earth Society of global governance. With themselves running information technology, of form.

That is why the Left teaches our children that America is a horrible identify, not worth defending. That is why the Left loves illegal clearing. Do you lot see the irony there? Hundreds of millions of people yearn to come live in this horrible identify. Hundreds of millions of 'people of colour' want to come live in a place that Democrats say terribly mistreats people of color. And they say it is "cruel' not to let them to come hither to be abused so.

The Left sees illegal aliens (a legal term codified in our nation's laws significant a person who does non belong here) as a swell source of power in three ways: Firstly, as undecayed futurity voters, since research shows as many as 90% of them would vote for Democrats if they could vote, most the same percentage as felons. Second, by packing the census in Democrat strongholds, it increases its representation in Congress, inflates its Electoral College power, and delivers a larger share of federal funds for Democrat districts. Thirdly, it accelerates the much desired Balkanization by importing more 'victims' who have no allegiance to America and do not share our traditional worldview.

We the People who long to Make America Groovy Again can see that illegal immigration through our porous edge steals the political power of Americans, cancels our votes, takes our jobs, depresses our wages, brings in vicious gangs and tons of deadly drugs, involves human trafficking and sex slavery, and infects our populace with diseases that we had long ago eradicated. We grasp that the regime's first job is to protect the citizens we've got.

It is not considering nosotros are racists. If 80 million Russians were sneaking across our border, clogging up our roads, ruining our environment, jamming into our hospitals, taxing our schools, going on the dole, enervating Affirmative Activity for ancient wrongs when they just got here, and existence welcomed solely and cynically to make permanent the political power of Democrats, we would be just as upset. Anyway, Mexican is not a race but a nationality. Muslim is non a race either, for the record.


The Cry for Liberty

Office of Make America Great Again was to repeal ObamaCare, which is seen as giving the government the power over our medical care, over life and expiry; bound to drive quality down and costs upward, and to exist used one mean solar day as a political weapon. No happy pills for those guilty of 'Wrong Think.'

Part of it is to end the Deep Country, the Swamp that was weaponized by President Obama against people who exercise not think like him. Because federal employees were wrongly unionized, they are 90% Democrats, which means they implement leftist policy no thing who is elected, and work to thwart the policies of President Trump, and thereby the Will of the People.

Part of it is to develop our own energy resource so as to not be dependent on foreign countries. And to withdraw from foolish 'climate deals' whose true purpose is to plunder America'due south treasury.

Part of it is to stop using the military for social engineering science when that is not what information technology is for.

Part of it is to reduce the dominance of the incredibly biased Mainstream Media (not 1 member of the White House Press Corps under Obama was a Republican).

Role of information technology is to stop leftist judges from legislating from the bench – not their chore.

A huge part of it is to remember, and piece of work to improve the lives of, the forgotten men and women and communities in 'flyover country' who are hated and ridiculed by Democrats.


America Was Once Greater than it is Today

America was great before the policies of the Democratic Party just well-nigh ruined the American family, leaving tens of millions of children fatherless in cleaved homes, leading to extraordinary levels of criminal offense, and created dangerous urban ghettos; ushered in godless hedonism; left women deplorable and lone; drove men out family life; perverted Holy Matrimony; destroyed the best schools and universities in the globe; usurped parental rights; denigrated our nation, its history and heroes; acquired enormous division among our citizens; promoted law breaking, promoted hatred and mob violence, and turned against our law; robbed us of untold freedoms; promoted every kind of sin, idolatry, sacrilege, and blasphemy; and caused the deaths of 60 million unborn babies.

It is, of course, true that we are "better off today" in terms of concrete comfort, the benefits from the march of engineering, the advance of medicine and so along. Merely information technology is not a wise human who fails to comprehend that by every social pathology America is ten times worse—literally—than it was before God was banned from public schools in the 1960s, where He had resided comfortably for 300 years in America—before the Cultural Revolution, which was the fruit of a deliberate, demonically inspired Cultural Marxist strategy.

The Left has a long, ugly history of hatred; being venomously Anti-Western Civilization, Anti-America, Anti-Freedom, Anti-Constitution, Anti-Founding Fathers, Anti-Centre Class, Anti-Democracy, Anti-Truth, Anti-Normal, Anti-Reality, Anti-Accomplishment, Anti-Marriage, Anti-Family, Anti-Parenthood, Anti-Morality, Anti-God, Anti-Bible, Anti-Christ. The Spirit that animates this movement is Evil Incarnate.

Any honest person ought to admit that if we look at the levels of suicide, mental problems, spousal abuse, child abuse, sexual abuse, drug addiction, obesity, sexually transmitted illness, public profanity, lack of civility and manners, promiscuity, adultery, divorce, sexual perversion, and simply patently sometime loneliness and unhappiness and misery: America was once greater than it is today. Make America Slap-up Again!

The President and First Lady of the United States of America

The President and Offset Lady of the United states of america of America

Cancer Progresses Until it Kills the Host

We practise not believe the most immoral people on the planet ought to lecture us on morality.

We do non recollect people on the coasts should be able to tell every person in every tiny hamlet how to lives their lives, what they may say or write, read or think.

Nosotros practise non remember the people who openly limited hatred towards usa and our country ought to be calling us haters.

We do not retrieve the godless should be able to put Jesus in the closet.

Nosotros practice not believe those whose Faith is Secular Humanism (Atheist Socialism) should be able to brainwash our children and brand united states of america pay for it.

Make America Corking Over again rejects the Spirit of the Antichrist. It rejects totalitarianism. Information technology rejects the sinister evils of multiculturalism, identity politics, grievance groups, diversity, inclusion, self-esteem, and tolerance for me just not for thee. It sees that the only 'progress' that comes from 'progressives' is the aforementioned kind of progress cancer makes: Information technology kills the host.

Make America Great Over again is, above all, a weep for freedom. FREEDOM!


James A Watkins (author) from Chicago on April 01, 2020:

Kate ~ Give thanks you lot very much for taking the fourth dimension to read my commodity. You lot, of course, are free to vote for whomever you want as a free American. I will just mention that President Trump never called the VIRUS a hoax. Everybody knows viruses are real things. Fifty-fifty the far left wing militant godless communist extreme extremists at Snopes say he did non say it. He said that "the Democrats were using it as a hoax," hoax divers every bit a "malicious deception."

James A Watkins (author) from Chicago on April 01, 2020:

T ~ Y'all are precisely right. President Trump never said information technology.

The Logician from then to now on on March 31, 2020:

As a matter of fact Kate snopes says, and I quote

"Trump did not call the coronavirus itself a hoax"

The Logician from then to now on on March 31, 2020:

Kate, I don't remember Trump saying that.

If he did I'm sure there would be a video or audio clip on the net if him proverb the Coronavirus also known as COVID 19 is a hoax.

I can't detect it, where did you lot observe it?

Kate on March 31, 2020:

I did not vote for Trump in the year 2016 and I'm not going to vote for Trump in the year 2020. Remember when Trump said the Coronavirus also known as COVID 19 was a hoax?

James A Watkins (author) from Chicago on November 18, 2019:

Nana ~ Thanks for taking the time to read my work here. I appreciate your crawly accolades. And you are welcome.

I am well pleased that would share information technology with your Facebook friends. I consider that loftier praise indeed that yous did. I promise your friends go easy on yous. :-)

Obama was never treated so shabbily as has been President Trump. You've got that correct. Practiced to hear from you. Thanks for your comments.

Nana on November 17, 2019:

Great article. Thank you for putting into words what I was not able to exercise. I am going to share this on Facebook and expect for the backlash from friends who have different political beliefs than I do. The lack of respect for our President worries me. I did not like/respect President Obama but I would never take spoken out publicly confronting him or protested him...commencement because he was our President and second because I would have been called a "racist".

James A Watkins (author) from Chicago on September 27, 2019:

Patricia Scott ~ It is a pleasure to hear from you. Thank you for taking the time to read my article. I share your concerns about the futurity of our land. We practise demand God'southward blessings over our land. I enjoyed your comments. God Bless Yous.

Patricia Scott from North Central Florida on September 26, 2019:

Hoping God does bless our state of the free and home of the dauntless. I for 1 am very concerned about the future of this country that my Daddy served in many wars for and taught us, his children, what a unique state it is. Angels are on the way this morning ps

James A Watkins (writer) from Chicago on September 26, 2019:

Jo Ellen Holloway ~ Hello my friend. Thank yous for reading my articles. I am glad you enjoyed them. God Bless You lot and God Bless America!

Jo Ellen Holloway on September 25, 2019:

I always savor reading your manufactures Jim.

James A Watkins (author) from Chicago on April ten, 2019:

T ~ Thank you for that link. I am a large fan of Dennis Prager and I got to run into him when he came to our church.

The Logician from then to now on on April 09, 2019:

James, I call back you lot'll appreciate this perspective:

James A Watkins (author) from Chicago on Apr 08, 2019:

Dianna Mendez ~ Cheers very much for taking the time to read my Hubs. I am glad we are in agreeance. I agree with your assessment of how much we have lost. If nosotros turn to Him, God will heal our land,

Dianna Mendez on April 06, 2019:

I agree with your view on Making America Corking Again. Nosotros have lost so much in the past decade that as the foundation of truth nosotros lived.

James A Watkins (author) from Chicago on April 05, 2019:

Brad Masters ~ Ha ha. The Left surely intends to destroy us.

Brad on April 04, 2019:


To compete against the president Trump MAGA Make America Great Again, the left is going with BAAA Interruption America Once again and Again.

James A Watkins (author) from Chicago on Apr 04, 2019:

Paula ~ Give thanks yous so much for your lovely laudations. You take fabricated my twenty-four hour period with your warm words.


James A Watkins (author) from Chicago on April 04, 2019:

Betty A F ~ I am so glad you enjoyed my work here. Give thanks you for reading my Hub and leaving your encouraging comments. #MAGA

Suzie from Carson City on Apr 02, 2019:

James....Powerful, Truthful & Authentic, Patriotic & Confirming. No ane says it better than you. Understood, Accepted, Reconfirmed & Appreciated past your readers. Peace, Paula

Betty A F from Florida on April 02, 2019:

I completely enjoyed reading this! You lot made so many great points.

Keep upwards the skilful work James!


James A Watkins (writer) from Chicago on April 02, 2019:

A B Williams ~ Expert morning. Thank you for getting back to me. God Bless You and Yours.

A B Williams from Fundamental Florida on March 31, 2019:

Good Morning James, I missed your annotate before.

Aye I live in the Primal Florida area (via South Carolina)

I am very familiar with each urban center you've mentioned. I honey Sebastian! I tin can't imagine leaving here, for say.....Chicago ;)

James A Watkins (writer) from Chicago on March 31, 2019:

Brad Masters ~ Thank you lot for your excellent comments. President Trump is a threat to the Swamp, the Deep State: The unelected federal hierarchy that unconstitutionally runs the state, making laws, judging violations, and punishing those it wishes to punish, in other words, exercising all the powers of the 3 legitimate branches of our government at once, in violation of separation of powers and checks and balances.

Brad on March thirty, 2019:


The sad thing is that the anti Trumpers believe that America was always nifty. Trump is the only president that didn't spring on the ii political party seesaw. The i that the party in control pushes downwardly, until the other political party gets to push down, and then it goes. This is how the ii diametrically parties take always worked. What scares them is that Trump is different and they think he can give them a new epitome. Something with wheels to brand America move forwards. A seesaw tin merely get up and down. That is my story, and I am sticking with information technology.

Have a great rest of the weekend.

James A Watkins (author) from Chicago on March xviii, 2019:

Brad Masters ~ I enjoyed your thoughtful remarks. The Democrats are against America. Of that I am convinced. And you are correct, past AOC'southward logic the Celts should be able to kicking the Anglo-Saxons out of Great britain and the Greek Christians ought to be able to take Turkey back from the Muslims.

I wrote another article yous might similar:

Brad on March 16, 2019:

Brad Masters ~ Cheers for reading my article. Great to hear from yous again, my friend. I appreciate your kind compliments and I am well pleased that you enjoyed the pictures.

Cheers James, in your reply I learned something. I had no idea that AOC and others believe they take a correct to America.

Using that logic, Spain should exist able to retake United mexican states. But Spain lost the war, and Texas became function of the Usa by winning a war.

The important question is whose side are the democrats on here, Mexico or the The states? Serious question.

"At an Open Borders protest in California a banner read: "If y'all think I'grand illegal because I'm a Mexican, larn the true history because I'k in my homeland." One activist said, "If 50 1000000 of my people come here, we can take our country back.""

That argument is so true considering the democrats are helping them to easily get into the US and and so they want to fast track them to US citizenship.


You are more than the historian than I am only couldn't California have taken the aforementioned path as Texas and joined the US.

When United mexican states gained independence from Spain it was the result of winning a war. When Mexico lost Texas, and California information technology was because they lost the war. The State of war with Espana drained their resource and ability to retain their northern presence.

This AOC stuff is not expert for America. Why did we requite Mexico billions of dollars every year and then we are supposed to exercise what?

Again, it is not AOC per se, just the democrats at large that are a threat to America. Is is a new manner to commit treason while making it look similar humanity?

James A Watkins (writer) from Chicago on March 16, 2019:

A B Williams ~ I see yous are from Central Florida, where I lived for 18 years. My daddy still lives in Sanford, my brother in DeBary, and I've got sisters in Titusville and Sebastian.

Anyway . . . Thanks for your comments. I appreciate you reading my work. And I wholeheartedly agree with y'all. :-)

James A Watkins (author) from Chicago on March xvi, 2019:

Readmikenow ~ I am glad we are in agreeance. And you make a great indicate that you "can merely imagine what would have happened if people wearing "Hope and Change" hats would have been attacked in the same mode every bit people wearing MAGA hat are beingness attacked."

You are also spot on that "The left agrees in free speech, as long every bit it's voice communication they agree with."

Thanks for the visit and comments!

James A Watkins (author) from Chicago on March xvi, 2019:

Brad Masters ~ Cheers for reading my commodity. Great to hear from you once more, my friend. I appreciate your kind compliments and I am well pleased that you enjoyed the pictures.

AOC says all Latinos have the correct to come up alive in America because they descend from native peoples and the The states sits on entirely native lands. She favors "Reconquista" war against Europeans to take back California, New Mexico, Arizona, and Texas. This is the driving forcefulness behind illegal immigration. AOC says immigration laws should not apply to Latinos.

Like you, I notice invaders carry the flags of nations they fled instead of our flag where they seek refuge. They gloat the countries they left simply hold America in antipathy, shouting "Uncle Sam Stole Our Country!"

At an Open Borders protest in California a banner read: "If you retrieve I'thousand illegal considering I'm a Mexican, larn the true history because I'g in my homeland." Ane activist said, "If l million of my people come hither, nosotros can have our land back."

A B Williams from Central Florida on March 16, 2019:

Good Morning James, well done!

We must stay vigilant, as nosotros (the MAGA hat wearers, lovers of this smashing Country, supporters of the U.S. Constitution ) are strapped with ugly our President has repeatedly been, for daring to speak truth near the greatness of this Country and its potential to be even greater!

Readmikenow on March 16, 2019:

I agree with what yous've written. MAGA hats have too revealed the extreme hypocrisy of the left. I tin only imagine what would have happened if people wearing "Hope and Change" hats would have been attacked in the aforementioned way as people wearing MAGA lid are existence attacked. I know black conservatives as well as Hispanic conservatives who have been attacked for wearing a hat. The left agrees in free oral communication, as long equally information technology'due south speech they hold with.

Brad on March 15, 2019:


Great commodity, and fantastic pictures that are and so true.

The last time America was great, Americans had pride, but today the word pride has been reassigned to something very different.

The American people have changed and then much that it is hard to recognize they are Americans. Today, the democrat idea of America, and Americans is bizarre. Instead of prosperity for America and Americans, information technology is social re-technology where not only are the political correct, incorrect, but all the Rights in the constitution and its amendments.

Think when the invasion from Guatemala was being photographed and made headlines. We didn't see whatsoever American Flags, only Foreign Flags. These people every bit your pictures states are the future democrat voters.

James A Watkins (author) from Chicago on March fourteen, 2019:

Vivian Coblentz ~ You are welcome. I love these memes, too. The article is and then serious and heavy that I hoped the funny memes would lighten the mood a flake.

Thanks for reading my work and for your first-class comments. I am so glad you corroborate. I could not hold more with you than I do. Information technology is the spirit of the Antichrist that animates the Left, whose credo could be summed up as "Rebellion confronting God."

James A Watkins (author) from Chicago on March xiv, 2019:

T ~ I certain appreciate your awesome accolades and ongoing encouragement of my writings. I agree with your remarks wholeheartedly. Give thanks you for the visitation.

James A Watkins (author) from Chicago on March 14, 2019:

Patricia Scott ~ Cheers always much for taking the fourth dimension to read my article. I capeesh your feedback. I hope to be surrounded past angels. :-) God Anoint You.

Vivian Coblentz on March 13, 2019:

I love every betoken you make. You summed upwards all of my thoughts on the subject in one succinct article. I especially dearest your memes that fit so well. For the life of me, I can't understand why all these anti-American people even want to live here if they think it's such an awful country. I think they should try living in Venezuela, Russia, or Mainland china and see if they could prosper under those governments. I know y'all read "Ship of Fools," and Tucker Carlson made such a adept indicate that fits with this article: America has get so various that we no longer share any commonalities to hold us together. You are also right on the marker to point out this is across politics and is the spirit of the anti-Christ at work. Thank you for this bold article!

The Logician from then to at present on on March 13, 2019:

Well this hub page certainly says information technology all, pulls no punches and leaves me with one implied but unsaid conclusion which is the primary enemy of America is not Donald Trump or Russia or conservatives merely the American left and information technology's minions in office and especialy embedded in America's unelected government bureaucracy and DOJ.

Patricia Scott from North Primal Florida on March 13, 2019:

Well said. Making Amwrica Keen Once more also ways a Cease to tbe divisiveness that now pervades our lives. Angels are on the fashion this


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